Why it’s important to have your dryer vent cleaned annually

Reduces the risk of a house fire:

Lint is a leading cause of combustion and accounts for 28% of all residential dryer fires, according to the National Fire Incident Reporting System. From 2007-2011, dryers accounted for about 15,200 fires, 30 deaths, 460 injuries and $216 million in property damages per the National Fire Protection Association. Failure to the clean dryer vent is a contributing cause in many dryer fires.

Lowered energy costs:

Lint buildup in your dryer vent means your dryer will take longer to dry your clothes. And that means, you’ll have to run your dryer more, which leads to higher utility bills. By cleaning your dryer vent, your dryer will run more efficiently and save you money.

Extends the life of your dryer:

A blocked dryer vent can cause your dryer to work harder, which means it can wear down faster, requiring costly maintenance repairs. Also lint buildup can cause your dryer to overheat, damaging sensitive sensors. Properly maintained dryer vents enable your dryer to work more efficiently, extending the life of your dryer.

Increased life of your clothes:

When your dryer vent is blocked, your dryer can overheat, damaging the fibers in your clothes. Additionally, you’ll have to run your clothes through your dryer longer, which can cause the clothing fibers to wear out faster.

Saves time:

On average, a full load of laundry takes about 50-60 minutes to dry. But when your dryer vent is clogged, it may take twice as long for clothes to dry. A clean dryer vent means you can finish your laundry quicker.  It’s recommended to turn your dryer off when you leave your home or before you go to bed.

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